Advanced Launch into Orbit

This tutorial is about setting advanced path parameters to AscentAutopilot. If you haven’t already done so, please read The First Launch tutorial.

The complete program is available in a variety of languages:

Java, Python

First of all, you need to set the ascent path you want to use. If you don’t, the program will use the path set in AscentGuidance window which may or may not be the one you want. Then, you can set path parameters. The parameters are the same as if you used Edit ascent path option.

28            AscentClassic path = ascent.getAscentPathClassic();
29            path.setTurnShapeExponent(0.5); //set the turn shape to 50%
30            path.setAutoPath(false); //don't use autopath
31            path.setTurnStartAltitude(3000);
32            path.setTurnStartVelocity(120);
33            path.setTurnEndAltitude(65000);